Lee Willis

WYSIWYG with Summernote

| 1 Comment

Yesterday’s post talked about the concept of finding things missing, or needing implementing when moving from CMS-as-a-base to pure development frameworks.

Yesterday it was enforcing password complexity. Today’s post is about the very core of a CMS – WYSIWYG content editing.

There are plenty of different options for WYSIWYG editors. I took the opportunity to scout around to see what was available, and finally settled on Summernote.


It’s simple, easy to configure to choose which elements you want to make available, you can just attach it to your textarea to have the markup submitted by your form, e.g.

<textarea class="summernote" rows="8" name="description" cols="50">
 height: 300,
 toolbar: [
   ['style', ['style', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear']],
   ['font', ['strikethrough', 'superscript', 'subscript']],
   ['para', ['ul', 'ol', 'paragraph']],
 styleTags: ['p', 'blockquote', 'h2','h3'],

Next time you need a WYSIWYG editor – give Summernote a try.

  1. Stuff I’ve used
  2. Error tracking with Sentry
  3. Autotrack for Google Analytics
  4. WordPress performance tracking with Time-stack
  5. Enforce user password strength
  6. WYSIWYG with Summernote
  7. Backing up your Laravel app
  8. Adding Google Maps to your Laravel application
  9. Activity logging in Laravel
  10. Image handling in PHP with Intervention Image
  11. Testing Laravel emails with MailThief
  12. Assessing software health
  13. IP Geolocation with MaxMind’s GeoLite2
  14. Uptime monitoring with Uptime Robot
  15. Product tours with Hopscotch
  16. Background processing for WordPress
  17. Using oEmbed resources in Laravel

One Comment

  1. I’m a beginner and I’m struggling with loading Summernote into a custom form in WordPress. Do you have a complete example that would illustrate the entire process?

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