Lee Willis

Festive Wapuus

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The latest version (2.4) of Wapuuvatar includes some lovely new Wapuus, including an evil Wapuu, Swedish Wapuu, Swiss Wapuu and Edu-Wapuu

It also features a festive Wapuu. As it’s starting to feel a bit like Christmas, it also includes a handy little filter that can be used to modify the Wapuu that is picked for a particular user. That lets you come up with fun things like festive_wapuu_for_everyone – a handy little snippet that will swap all of your Wapuuvatars for festive Wapuus during December 🙂

function festive_wapuu_for_everyone( $wapuu, $id_or_email, $hash ) {
        if (date('n') == 12) {
                return 'wapmas-wapuu';
        } else {
                return $wapuu;
add_filter( 'wapuuvatar_chosen_wapuu', 'festive_wapuu_for_everyone', 10, 3 );

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