Everyone needs a fun project every now and then, something that’s not serious, doesn’t have deadlines, or fixed set of requirements. Something that you can just play with.
I first came across Wapuus at WordCamp London, where Scott Evans had designed an awesome Punk Wapuu which covered posters, stickers – and even scarves! (You can see some of the artwork here: https://london.wordcamp.org/2015/). It turns out that the Wapuu character was original developed by the Japanese WordPress community, released under the GPL, and has since been modified by many people for many different events / purposes.
Every better – they’re maintaining an archive of publicly release Wapuu interpretations.
Coincidence struck when I was:
a) Looking for a just-for-fun project to soothe my soul
b) Stumbled upon a tweet by @NickHamze
Well, I couldn’t resist – the timing seemed just right 🙂
So if you want your WordPress avatars to be cute Wapuus in various poses – the wait is over – check out Wapuuvatar on GitHub – or download it from WordPress.org.