setQuery($q); $db->query(); if ($db->next_record()&&($db->f("product_id") != $d["product_id"])) { $vmLogger->err( "A Product with the SKU ".$d['product_sku']." already exists." ); $valid = false; } if( !empty( $d['product_discount_id'] )) { if( $d['product_discount_id'] == "override" ) { $d['is_percent'] = "0"; // If discount are applied before tax then base the discount on the untaxed price if( PAYMENT_DISCOUNT_BEFORE == '1' ) { $d['amount'] = (float)$d['product_price'] - (float)$d['discounted_price_override']; } // Otherwise, base the discount on the taxed price else { $d['amount'] = (float)$d['product_price_incl_tax'] - (float)$d['discounted_price_override']; } // Set the discount start date as today $d['start_date'] = date( 'Y-m-d' ); require_once( CLASSPATH. 'ps_product_discount.php' ); $ps_product_discount = new ps_product_discount; $ps_product_discount->add( $d ); $d['product_discount_id'] = $database->insertid(); vmRequest::setVar( 'product_discount_id', $d['product_discount_id'] ); } } if (empty($d['manufacturer_id'])) { $d['manufacturer_id'] = "1"; } if (empty( $d["product_sku"])) { $vmLogger->err( $VM_LANG->_('VM_PRODUCT_MISSING_SKU',false) ); $valid = false; } if (!$d["product_name"]) { $vmLogger->err( $VM_LANG->_('VM_PRODUCT_MISSING_NAME',false) ); $valid = false; } if (empty($d["product_available_date"])) { $vmLogger->err( $VM_LANG->_('VM_PRODUCT_MISSING_AVAILDATE',false) ); $valid = false; } else { $day = (int) substr ( $d["product_available_date"], 8, 2); $month= (int) substr ( $d["product_available_date"], 5, 2); $year = (int) substr ( $d["product_available_date"], 0, 4); $d["product_available_date_timestamp"] = mktime(0,0,0,$month, $day, $year); } /** Validate Product Specific Fields **/ if (!$d["product_parent_id"]) { if( empty( $d['product_categories']) || !is_array(@$d['product_categories'])) { $d['product_categories'] = explode('|', $d['category_ids'] ); } if (sizeof(@$d["product_categories"]) < 1) { $vmLogger->err( $VM_LANG->_('VM_PRODUCT_MISSING_CATEGORY') ); $valid = false; } } /** Image Upload Validation **/ // do we have an image URL or an image File Upload? if (!empty( $d['product_thumb_image_url'] )) { // Image URL if (substr( $d['product_thumb_image_url'], 0, 4) != "http") { $vmLogger->err( $VM_LANG->_('VM_PRODUCT_IMAGEURL_MUSTBEGIN',false) ); $valid = false; } // if we have an uploaded image file, prepare this one for deleting. if( $db->f("product_thumb_image") && substr( $db->f("product_thumb_image"), 0, 4) != "http") { $_REQUEST["product_thumb_image_curr"] = $db->f("product_thumb_image"); $d["product_thumb_image_action"] = "delete"; if (!vmImageTools::validate_image($d,"product_thumb_image","product")) { return false; } } $d["product_thumb_image"] = $d['product_thumb_image_url']; } else { // File Upload if (!vmImageTools::validate_image($d,"product_thumb_image","product")) { $valid = false; } } if (!empty( $d['product_full_image_url'] )) { // Image URL if (substr( $d['product_full_image_url'], 0, 4) != "http") { $vmLogger->err( $VM_LANG->_('VM_PRODUCT_IMAGEURL_MUSTBEGIN',false) ); return false; } // if we have an uploaded image file, prepare this one for deleting. if( $db->f("product_full_image") && substr( $db->f("product_full_image"), 0, 4) != "http") { $_REQUEST["product_full_image_curr"] = $db->f("product_full_image"); $d["product_full_image_action"] = "delete"; if (!vmImageTools::validate_image($d,"product_full_image","product")) { return false; } } $d["product_full_image"] = $d['product_full_image_url']; } else { // File Upload if (!vmImageTools::validate_image($d,"product_full_image","product")) { $valid = false; } } // added for advanced attribute modification // strips the trailing semi-colon from an attribute if(isset($d["product_advanced_attribute"])) { if (';' == substr($d["product_advanced_attribute"], strlen($d["product_advanced_attribute"])-1,1) ) { $d["product_advanced_attribute"] =substr($d["product_advanced_attribute"], 0, strlen($d["product_advanced_attribute"])-1); } } // added for custom attribute modification // strips the trailing semi-colon from an attribute if(isset($d["product_custom_attribute"])) { if (';' == substr($d["product_custom_attribute"], strlen($d["product_custom_attribute"])-1,1) ) { $d["product_custom_attribute"] =substr($d["product_custom_attribute"], 0, strlen($d["product_custom_attribute"])-1); } } $d["clone_product"] = empty($d["clone_product"]) ? "N" : "Y"; $d["product_publish"] = empty($d["product_publish"]) ? "N" : "Y"; $d["product_special"] = empty($d["product_special"]) ? "N" : "Y"; //parse quantity and child options $d['display_headers'] = vmGet($d,'display_headers', 'Y') =='Y' ? 'Y' : 'N'; $d['product_list_child'] = vmGet($d,'product_list_child', 'Y') =='Y' ? 'Y' : 'N'; $d['display_use_parent'] = vmGet($d,'display_use_parent', 'Y') =='Y' ? 'Y' : 'N'; $d['product_list_type'] = vmGet($d,'product_list_type', 'Y') =='Y' ? 'Y' : 'N'; $d['display_desc'] = vmGet($d,'display_desc', 'Y') =='Y' ? 'Y' : 'N'; if (@$d['product_list'] =="Y") { if($d['list_style'] == "one") $d['product_list'] = "Y"; else $d['product_list'] = "YM"; } else { $d['product_list'] = "N"; } $d['quantity_options'] = ps_product::set_quantity_options($d); $d['child_options'] = ps_product::set_child_options($d); $d['order_levels'] = vmRequest::getInt('min_order_level').",".vmRequest::getInt('max_order_level'); return $valid; } /** * Validates that a product can be deleted * * @param array $d The input vars * @return boolean Validation sucessful? */ function validate_delete( $product_id, &$d ) { global $vmLogger, $VM_LANG; require_once(CLASSPATH . 'imageTools.class.php' ); /* Check that ps_vendor_id and product_id match if (!$this->check_vendor($d)) { $d["error"] = "ERROR: Cannot delete product. Wrong product or vendor." ; return false; }*/ if (empty($product_id)) { $vmLogger->err( $VM_LANG->_('VM_PRODUCT_SPECIFY_DELETE',false) ); return false; } /* Get the image filenames from the database */ $db = new ps_DB; $q = "SELECT product_thumb_image,product_full_image "; $q .= "FROM #__{vm}_product "; $q .= "WHERE product_id='$product_id'"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); $db->next_record(); /* Prepare product_thumb_image for Deleting */ if( !stristr( $db->f("product_thumb_image"), "http") ) { $_REQUEST["product_thumb_image_curr"] = $db->f("product_thumb_image"); $d["product_thumb_image_action"] = "delete"; if (!vmImageTools::validate_image($d,"product_thumb_image","product")) { $vmLogger->err( $VM_LANG->_('VM_PRODUCT_IMGDEL_FAILED',false) ); return false; } } /* Prepare product_full_image for Deleting */ if( !stristr( $db->f("product_full_image"), "http") ) { $_REQUEST["product_full_image_curr"] = $db->f("product_full_image"); $d["product_full_image_action"] = "delete"; if (!vmImageTools::validate_image($d,"product_full_image","product")) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Function to add a new product into the product table * * @param array $d The input vars * @return boolean True, when the product was added, false when not */ function add( &$d ) { global $perm, $vmLogger, $VM_LANG; $database = new ps_DB(); if (!$this->validate($d)) { return false; } if (!vmImageTools::process_images($d)) { return false; } $timestamp = time(); $db = new ps_DB; $ps_vendor_id = $_SESSION["ps_vendor_id"]; if( $perm->check( 'admin' )) { $vendor_id = $d['vendor_id']; } else { $vendor_id = $ps_vendor_id; } // Insert into DB $fields = array ( 'vendor_id' => $vendor_id, 'product_parent_id' => vmRequest::getInt('product_parent_id'), 'product_sku' => vmGet($d,'product_sku'), 'product_name' => vmGet($d,'product_name'), 'product_desc' => vmRequest::getVar('product_desc', '', 'default', '', VMREQUEST_ALLOWHTML), 'product_s_desc' => vmRequest::getVar('product_s_desc', '', 'default', '', VMREQUEST_ALLOWHTML), 'product_thumb_image' => vmGet($d,'product_thumb_image'), 'product_full_image' => vmGet($d,'product_full_image'), 'product_publish' => $d['product_publish'], 'product_weight' => vmRequest::getFloat('product_weight'), 'product_weight_uom' => vmGet($d,'product_weight_uom'), 'product_length' => vmRequest::getFloat('product_length'), 'product_width' => vmRequest::getFloat('product_width'), 'product_height' => vmRequest::getFloat('product_height'), 'product_lwh_uom' => vmGet($d,'product_lwh_uom'), 'product_unit' => vmGet($d,'product_unit'), 'product_packaging' => (($d["product_box"] << 16) | ($d["product_packaging"]&0xFFFF)), 'product_url' => vmGet($d,'product_url'), 'product_in_stock' => vmRequest::getInt('product_in_stock'), 'attribute' => ps_product_attribute::formatAttributeX(), 'custom_attribute' => vmGet($d,'product_custom_attribute'), 'product_available_date' => $d['product_available_date_timestamp'], 'product_availability' => vmGet($d,'product_availability'), 'product_special' => $d['product_special'], 'child_options' => $d['child_options'], 'quantity_options' => $d['quantity_options'], 'product_discount_id' => vmRequest::getInt('product_discount_id'), 'cdate' => $timestamp, 'mdate' => $timestamp, 'product_tax_id' => vmRequest::getInt('product_tax_id'), 'child_option_ids' => vmGet($d,'included_product_id'), 'product_order_levels' => $d['order_levels'] ); $db->buildQuery('INSERT', '#__{vm}_product', $fields ); if( $db->query() === false ) { $vmLogger->err( $VM_LANG->_('VM_PRODUCT_ADDING_FAILED',false) ); return false; } $d["product_id"] = $_REQUEST['product_id'] = $db->last_insert_id(); // If is Item, add attributes from parent // if ($d["product_parent_id"]) { $q = "SELECT attribute_name FROM #__{vm}_product_attribute_sku "; $q .= "WHERE product_id='" . vmRequest::getInt('product_parent_id') . "' "; $q .= "ORDER BY attribute_list,attribute_name"; $db->query($q); $db2 = new ps_DB; $i = 0; while($db->next_record()) { $i++; $q = "INSERT INTO #__{vm}_product_attribute (`product_id`,`attribute_name`,`attribute_value`) VALUES "; $q .= "('".$d["product_id"]."', '".$db->f("attribute_name", false)."', '".vmGet($d,'attribute_'.$i )."')"; $db2->query( $q ); } } else { // If is Product, Insert category ids if( empty( $d['product_categories']) || !is_array(@$d['product_categories'])) { $d['product_categories'] = explode('|', $d['category_ids'] ); } foreach( $d["product_categories"] as $category_id ) { $db->query('SELECT MAX(`product_list`) as list_order FROM `#__{vm}_product_category_xref` WHERE `category_id`='.$category_id ); $db->next_record(); $q = "INSERT INTO #__{vm}_product_category_xref "; $q .= "(category_id,product_id,product_list) "; $q .= "VALUES ('$category_id','". $d["product_id"] . "', ".intval($db->f('max') +1 ) . ")"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); } } $q = "INSERT INTO #__{vm}_product_mf_xref VALUES ("; $q .= "'".$d['product_id']."', '".vmRequest::getInt('manufacturer_id')."')"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); if( !empty($d["related_products"])) { /* Insert Pipe separated Related Product IDs */ $related_products = vmGet( $d, "related_products" ); $q = "INSERT INTO #__{vm}_product_relations "; $q .= "(product_id, related_products) "; $q .= "VALUES ('".$d["product_id"]."','".$db->getEscaped($related_products)."')"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); } // ADD A PRICE, IF NOT EMPTY ADD 0 if (!empty($d['product_price'])) { if(empty($d['product_currency'])) { $d['product_currency'] = $_SESSION['vendor_currency']; } $d["price_quantity_start"] = 0; $d["price_quantity_end"] = ""; require_once ( CLASSPATH. 'ps_product_price.php'); $my_price = new ps_product_price; $my_price->add($d); } if( !empty( $d['product_type_id'])) { require_once( CLASSPATH.'ps_product_product_type.php' ); $ps_product_product_type = new ps_product_product_type(); $ps_product_product_type->add( $d ); // Product Type Parameters! $this->handleParameters( $d ); } // CLONE PRODUCT additional code if( $d["clone_product"] == "Y" ) { // Clone Parent Product's Attributes $q = "INSERT INTO #__{vm}_product_attribute_sku SELECT '".$d["product_id"]."', attribute_name, attribute_list FROM #__{vm}_product_attribute_sku WHERE product_id='" . (int)$d["old_product_id"] . "' "; $db->query( $q ); if( !empty( $d["child_items"] )) { $database->query( "SHOW COLUMNS FROM #__{vm}_product" ); $rows = $database->record; while(list(,$Field) = each( $rows) ) { $product_fields[$Field->Field] = $Field->Field; } // Change the Field Names // leave empty for auto_increment $product_fields["product_id"] = "''"; // Update Product Parent ID to the new one $product_fields["product_parent_id"] = "'".$d["product_id"]."'"; // Rename the SKU $product_fields["product_sku"] = "CONCAT(product_sku,'_".$d["product_id"]."')"; $rows = Array(); $database->query( "SHOW COLUMNS FROM #__{vm}_product_price" ); $rows = $database->record; while(list(,$Field) = each( $rows) ) { $price_fields[$Field->Field] = $Field->Field; } foreach( $d["child_items"] as $child_id ) { $q = "INSERT INTO #__{vm}_product "; $q .= "SELECT ".implode(",", $product_fields )." FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE product_id='$child_id'"; $db->query( $q ); $new_product_id = $db->last_insert_id(); $q = "INSERT INTO #__{vm}_product_attribute SELECT NULL, '$new_product_id', attribute_name, attribute_value FROM #__{vm}_product_attribute WHERE product_id='$child_id'"; $db->query( $q ); $price_fields["product_price_id"] = "''"; $price_fields["product_id"] = "'$new_product_id'"; $q = "INSERT INTO #__{vm}_product_price "; $q .= "SELECT ".implode(",", $price_fields )." FROM #__{vm}_product_price WHERE product_id='$child_id'"; $db->query( $q ); } } // End Cloning } if( $d['clone_product'] == 'Y') { $vmLogger->info( $VM_LANG->_('VM_PRODUCT_CLONED',false) ); } else { $vmLogger->info( $VM_LANG->_('VM_PRODUCT_ADDED',false) ); } return true; } /** * Function to update product $d['product_id'] in the product table * * @param array $d The input vars * @return boolean True, when the product was updated, false when not */ function update( &$d ) { global $vmLogger, $perm, $VM_LANG; require_once(CLASSPATH.'ps_product_attribute.php'); if (!$this->validate($d)) { return false; } if (!vmImageTools::process_images($d)) { return false; } $timestamp = time(); $db = new ps_DB; $ps_vendor_id = $_SESSION["ps_vendor_id"]; if( $perm->check( 'admin' )) { $vendor_id = $d['vendor_id']; } else { $vendor_id = $ps_vendor_id; } $old_vendor_id = $this->get_field($d['product_id'], 'vendor_id'); // Insert into DB $fields = array ( 'vendor_id' => $vendor_id, 'product_sku' => vmGet($d,'product_sku'), 'product_name' => vmGet($d,'product_name'), 'product_desc' => vmRequest::getVar('product_desc', '', 'default', '', VMREQUEST_ALLOWHTML), 'product_s_desc' => vmRequest::getVar('product_s_desc', '', 'default', '', VMREQUEST_ALLOWHTML), 'product_thumb_image' => vmGet($d,'product_thumb_image'), 'product_full_image' => vmGet($d,'product_full_image'), 'product_publish' => $d['product_publish'], 'product_weight' => vmRequest::getFloat('product_weight'), 'product_weight_uom' => vmGet($d,'product_weight_uom'), 'product_length' => vmRequest::getFloat('product_length'), 'product_width' => vmRequest::getFloat('product_width'), 'product_height' => vmRequest::getFloat('product_height'), 'product_lwh_uom' => vmGet($d,'product_lwh_uom'), 'product_unit' => vmGet($d,'product_unit'), 'product_packaging' => (($d["product_box"] << 16) | ($d["product_packaging"]&0xFFFF)), 'product_url' => vmGet($d,'product_url'), 'product_in_stock' => vmRequest::getInt('product_in_stock'), 'attribute' => ps_product_attribute::formatAttributeX(), 'custom_attribute' => vmGet($d,'product_custom_attribute'), 'product_available_date' => $d['product_available_date_timestamp'], 'product_availability' => vmGet($d,'product_availability'), 'product_special' => $d['product_special'], 'child_options' => $d['child_options'], 'quantity_options' => $d['quantity_options'], 'product_discount_id' => vmRequest::getInt('product_discount_id'), 'mdate' => $timestamp, 'product_tax_id' => vmRequest::getInt('product_tax_id'), 'child_option_ids' => vmGet($d,'included_product_id'), 'product_order_levels' => $d['order_levels'] ); $db->buildQuery( 'UPDATE', '#__{vm}_product', $fields, 'WHERE product_id='. (int)$d["product_id"] . ' AND vendor_id=' . (int)$old_vendor_id ); $db->query(); /* notify the shoppers that the product is here */ /* see zw_waiting_list */ if ($d["product_in_stock"] > "0" && @$d['notify_users'] == '1' && $d['product_in_stock_old'] == '0') { require_once( CLASSPATH . 'zw_waiting_list.php'); $zw_waiting_list = new zw_waiting_list; $zw_waiting_list->notify_list($d["product_id"]); } $q = "UPDATE #__{vm}_product_mf_xref SET "; $q .= 'manufacturer_id='.vmRequest::getInt('manufacturer_id').' '; $q .= 'WHERE product_id = '.$d['product_id']; $db->query($q); /* If is Item, update attributes */ if( !empty($d["product_parent_id"])) { $q = "SELECT attribute_name FROM #__{vm}_product_attribute_sku "; $q .= 'WHERE product_id=' .(int)$d["product_parent_id"] . ' '; $q .= "ORDER BY attribute_list,attribute_name"; $db->query($q); $db2 = new ps_DB; $i = 0; while($db->next_record()) { $i++; $q2 = "UPDATE #__{vm}_product_attribute SET "; $q2 .= "attribute_value='" .vmGet($d,'attribute_'.$i ) . "' "; $q2 .= "WHERE product_id = '" . $d["product_id"] . "' "; $q2 .= "AND attribute_name = '" . $db->f("attribute_name", false ) . "' "; $db2->setQuery($q2); $db2->query(); } /* If it is a Product, update Category */ } else { // Handle category selection: product_category_xref $q = "SELECT `category_id` FROM `#__{vm}_product_category_xref` "; $q .= "WHERE `product_id` = '" . $d["product_id"] . "' "; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); $old_categories = array(); while( $db->next_record()) { $old_categories[$db->f('category_id')] = $db->f('category_id'); } // NOW Insert new categories $new_categories = array(); if( empty( $d['product_categories']) || !is_array(@$d['product_categories'])) { $d['product_categories'] = explode('|', $d['category_ids'] ); } foreach( $d["product_categories"] as $category_id ) { if( !in_array( $category_id, $old_categories ) ) { $db->query('SELECT MAX(`product_list`) as list_order FROM `#__{vm}_product_category_xref` WHERE `category_id`='.(int)$category_id ); $db->next_record(); $q = "INSERT INTO #__{vm}_product_category_xref "; $q .= "(category_id,product_id,product_list) "; $q .= "VALUES ('".(int)$category_id."','". $d["product_id"] . "', ".intval($db->f('max') +1 ) . ")"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); $new_categories[$category_id] = $category_id; } else { unset( $old_categories[$category_id]); } } // The rest of the old categories can be deleted foreach( $old_categories as $category_id ) { $q = "DELETE FROM `#__{vm}_product_category_xref` "; $q .= "WHERE `product_id` = '" . $d["product_id"] . "' "; $q .= "AND `category_id` = '" . $category_id . "' "; $db->query($q); } } if( !empty($d["related_products"])) { /* Insert Pipe separated Related Product IDs */ $related_products = vmGet( $d, "related_products" ); $q = "REPLACE INTO #__{vm}_product_relations (product_id, related_products)"; $q .= " VALUES( '".$d["product_id"]."', '$related_products') "; $db->query($q); } else{ $q = "DELETE FROM #__{vm}_product_relations WHERE product_id='".$d["product_id"]."'"; $db->query($q); } // UPDATE THE PRICE, IF EMPTY ADD 0 if(empty($d['product_currency'])) { $d['product_currency'] = $_SESSION['vendor_currency']; } // look if we have a price for this product $q = "SELECT product_price_id, price_quantity_start, price_quantity_end FROM #__{vm}_product_price "; $q .= "WHERE shopper_group_id=" . vmRequest::getInt('shopper_group_id'); $q .= ' AND product_id = ' . $d["product_id"]; $db->query($q); if ($db->next_record()) { $d["product_price_id"] = $db->f("product_price_id"); require_once ( CLASSPATH. 'ps_product_price.php'); $my_price = new ps_product_price; if (@$d['product_price'] != '') { // update prices $d["price_quantity_start"] = $db->f("price_quantity_start"); $d["price_quantity_end"] = $db->f("price_quantity_end"); $my_price->update($d); } else { // delete the price $my_price->delete( $d ); } } else { if ( $d['product_price'] != '' ) { // add the price $d["price_quantity_start"] = 0; $d["price_quantity_end"] = ""; require_once ( CLASSPATH. 'ps_product_price.php'); $my_price = new ps_product_price; $my_price->add($d); } } // Product Type Parameters! $this->handleParameters( $d ); $vmLogger->info( $VM_LANG->_('VM_PRODUCT_UPDATED',false) ); return true; } /** * Handles adding or updating parameter values for a product an its product types * @since VirtueMart 1.1.0 * @param array $d */ function handleParameters( &$d ) { global $db; $product_id= intval( $d["product_id"] ); $q = "SELECT `product_type_id` FROM `#__{vm}_product_product_type_xref` WHERE "; $q .= "`product_id`=$product_id"; $db->query($q); $dbpt = new ps_DB; $dbp = new ps_DB; // For every Product Type while ($db->next_record()) { $product_type_id = $db->f("product_type_id"); $q = "SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_product_type_parameter WHERE "; $q .= "product_type_id='$product_type_id' "; $q .= "ORDER BY parameter_list_order"; $dbpt->query($q); $q = "SELECT COUNT(`product_id`) as num_rows FROM `#__{vm}_product_type_$product_type_id` WHERE "; $q .= "product_id='$product_id'"; $dbp->query($q); $dbp->next_record(); if ( $dbp->f('num_rows') == 0 ) { // Add record if not exist (Items) $q = "INSERT INTO #__{vm}_product_type_$product_type_id (product_id) "; $q .= "VALUES ('$product_id')"; $dbp->query($q); } // Update record $q = "UPDATE #__{vm}_product_type_$product_type_id SET "; $q .= "product_id='$product_id'"; while ($dbpt->next_record()) { if ($dbpt->f("parameter_type")!="B") { // if it is not breaker $value=$d["product_type_".$product_type_id."_".$dbpt->f("parameter_name")]; if ($dbpt->f("parameter_type")=="V" && is_array($value)) { $value = join(';',$value); } if ($value=="") { $value='NULL'; } else { $value="'".$dbpt->getEscaped($value)."'"; } $q .= ',`'.$dbpt->f('parameter_name', false).'`='.$value; } } $q .= ' WHERE product_id = '.$d['product_id']; $dbp->query($q); } } /** * Function to delete product(s) $d['product_id'] from the product table * * @param array $d The input vars * @return boolean True, when the product was deleted, false when not */ function delete(&$d) { $product_id = $d["product_id"]; if( is_array( $product_id)) { foreach( $product_id as $product) { if( !$this->delete_product( $product, $d )) return false; } return true; } else { return $this->delete_product( $product_id, $d ); } } /** * Move a product from one category to another * * @param array $d * @return boolean True on sucess, false on failure */ function move( &$d ) { global $db, $vmLogger, $VM_LANG; if( !is_array( $d['product_id'])) { $vmLogger->err( $VM_LANG->_('VM_PRODUCT_MOVE_NOTFOUND',false)); return false; } if( empty( $d['category_id'])) { $vmLogger->err( $VM_LANG->_('VM_PRODUCT_MUSTSELECT_ONE_CAT',false)); return false; } // Loop though each product foreach( $d['product_id'] as $product_id ) { // check if the product is already assigned to the category it should be moved to $db->query( 'SELECT product_id FROM `#__{vm}_product_category_xref` WHERE `product_id`='.intval($product_id).' AND `category_id`='.intval($d['category_id'])); if( !$db->next_record()) { // If the product is not yet in this category, move it! $db->query( 'SELECT MAX(`product_list`) as max FROM `#__{vm}_product_category_xref` WHERE `category_id`='.intval($d['category_id'])); $db->next_record(); $db->query('INSERT INTO `#__{vm}_product_category_xref` VALUES ('.intval($d['category_id']).', '.intval($product_id).', '.intval( $db->f('max') + 1) .') '); } $db->query('DELETE FROM `#__{vm}_product_category_xref` WHERE `product_id`='.intval($product_id).' AND `category_id`='.intval($d['old_category_id'])); } return true; } /** * The function that holds the code for deleting * one product from the database and all related tables * plus deleting files related to the product * * @param int $product_id * @param array $d The input vars * @return boolean True on success, false on error */ function delete_product( $product_id, &$d ) { global $vmLogger, $VM_LANG; $db = new ps_DB; if (!$this->validate_delete($product_id, $d)) { return false; } /* If is Product */ if ($this->is_product($product_id)) { /* Delete all items first */ $q = "SELECT product_id FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE product_parent_id='$product_id'"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); while($db->next_record()) { $d2["product_id"] = $db->f("product_id"); if (!$this->delete($d2)) { return false; } } /* Delete attributes */ $q = "DELETE FROM #__{vm}_product_attribute_sku WHERE product_id='$product_id' "; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); /* Delete categories xref */ $q = "DELETE FROM #__{vm}_product_category_xref WHERE product_id = '$product_id' "; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); } /* If is Item */ else { /* Delete attribute values */ $q = "DELETE FROM #__{vm}_product_attribute WHERE product_id='$product_id'"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); } /* For both Product and Item */ /* Delete product - manufacturer xref */ $q = "DELETE FROM #__{vm}_product_mf_xref WHERE product_id='$product_id'"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); /* Delete Product - ProductType Relations */ $q = "DELETE FROM `#__{vm}_product_product_type_xref` WHERE `product_id`=$product_id"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); /* Delete product votes */ $q = "DELETE FROM #__{vm}_product_votes WHERE product_id='$product_id'"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); /* Delete product reviews */ $q = "DELETE FROM #__{vm}_product_reviews WHERE product_id='$product_id'"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); /* Delete Image files */ if (!vmImageTools::process_images($d)) { return false; } /* Delete other Files and Images files */ require_once( CLASSPATH.'ps_product_files.php' ); $ps_product_files = new ps_product_files(); $db->query( "SELECT file_id FROM #__{vm}_product_files WHERE file_product_id='$product_id'" ); while($db->next_record()) { $d["file_id"] = $db->f("file_id"); $ps_product_files->delete( $d ); } /* Delete Product Relations */ $q = "DELETE FROM #__{vm}_product_relations WHERE product_id = '$product_id'"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); /* Delete Prices */ $q = "DELETE FROM #__{vm}_product_price WHERE product_id = '$product_id'"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); /* Delete entry FROM #__{vm}_product table */ $q = "DELETE FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE product_id = '$product_id'"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); /* If only deleting an item, go to the parent product page after ** the deletion. This had to be done here because the product id ** of the item to be deleted had to be passed as product_id */ if (!empty($d["product_parent_id"])) { $d["product_id"] = $d["product_parent_id"]; $d["product_parent_id"] = ""; } $vmLogger->info( str_replace('{product_id}',$product_id,$VM_LANG->_('VM_PRODUCT_DELETED',false)) ); return true; } /** * Function to check if the vendor_id of the product * $d['product_id'] matches the vendor_id associated with the * user that calls this function * * @param array $d * @return boolean True, when vendor_id matches, false when not */ function check_vendor($d) { $ps_vendor_id = $_SESSION["ps_vendor_id"]; $db = new ps_DB; $q = "SELECT vendor_id FROM #__{vm}_product "; $q .= "WHERE vendor_id = '$ps_vendor_id' "; $q .= "AND product_id = '" . $d["product_id"] . "' "; $db->query($q); if ($db->next_record()) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Function to create a ps_DB object holding the data of product $d['product_id'] * from the table #__{vm}_product * * @param int $product_id * @return ps_DB DB object holding all data for product $product_id */ function sql($product_id) { $db = new ps_DB; if( !empty( $product_id )) { $q = 'SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE product_id=' . (int)$product_id; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); } return $db; } /** * Function to create a db object holding the data of all child items of * product $product_id * * @param int $product_id * @return ps_DB object that holds all items of product $product_id */ function items_sql($product_id) { $db = new ps_DB; if( !empty($product_id) ) { $q = "SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_product "; $q .= "WHERE product_parent_id=".(int)$product_id.' '; $q .= "ORDER BY product_name"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); } return $db; } /** * Function to check whether a product is a parent product or not * If is is a child product, it has a non-empty value for "product_parent_id" * * @param int $product_id * @return boolean True when the product is a parent product, false when product is a child item */ function is_product($product_id) { $product_parent_id = ps_product::get_field($product_id, 'product_parent_id'); return $product_parent_id == 0; } /** * Function to check whether a product is published * * * @param int $product_id * @return boolean True when the product is a parent product, false when product is a child item */ function is_published($product_id, $check_stock=false) { if( CHECK_STOCK != '1') $check_stock=false; return ps_product::get_field($product_id, 'product_publish') == 'Y'; } /** * Checks if a product is a downloadable product * * @param int $product_id * @return boolean */ function is_downloadable($product_id) { if( empty( $GLOBALS['product_info'][$product_id]['is_downloadable'] )) { $db_check = new ps_DB; $q_dl = "SELECT attribute_name,attribute_value FROM #__{vm}_product_attribute WHERE product_id=".(int)$product_id." AND attribute_name='download'"; $db_check->query($q_dl); $db_check->next_record(); if( $db_check->num_rows() > 0 ) { $GLOBALS['product_info'][$product_id]['is_downloadable'] = 'Y'; } else { $GLOBALS['product_info'][$product_id]['is_downloadable'] = 'N'; } } return $GLOBALS['product_info'][$product_id]['is_downloadable'] == 'Y'; } /** * Function to create a DB object that holds all information * from the attribute tables about item $item_id AND/OR product $product_id * * @param int $item_id The product_id of the item * @param int $product_id The product_id of the parent product * @param string $attribute_name The name of the attribute to filter * @return ps_DB The db object... */ function attribute_sql($item_id="",$product_id="",$attribute_name="") { $db = new ps_DB; if ($item_id and $product_id) { $q = "SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_product_attribute,#__{vm}_product_attribute_sku "; $q .= "WHERE #__{vm}_product_attribute.product_id = '$item_id' "; $q .= "AND #__{vm}_product_attribute_sku.product_id ='$product_id' "; if ($attribute_name) { $q .= "AND #__{vm}_product_attribute.attribute_name = $attribute_name "; } $q .= "AND #__{vm}_product_attribute.attribute_name = "; $q .= "#__{vm}_product_attribute_sku.attribute_name "; $q .= "ORDER BY attribute_list,#__{vm}_product_attribute.attribute_name"; } elseif ($item_id) { $q = "SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_product_attribute "; $q .= "WHERE product_id=$item_id "; if ($attribute_name) { $q .= "AND attribute_name = '$attribute_name' "; } } elseif ($product_id) { $q = "SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_product_attribute_sku "; $q .= "WHERE product_id =".(int)$product_id.' '; if ($attribute_name) { $q .= "AND #__{vm}_product_attribute.attribute_name = $attribute_name "; } $q .= "ORDER BY attribute_list,attribute_name"; } else { /* Error: no arguments were provided. */ return 0; } $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); return $db; } /** * Function to return the product ids of all child items of product $pid * * @param int $pid The ID of the parent product * @return array $list */ function get_child_product_ids($pid) { $db = new ps_DB; $q = "SELECT product_id FROM #__{vm}_product "; $q .= "WHERE product_parent_id='$pid' "; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); $i = 0; $list = Array(); while($db->next_record()) { $list[$i] = $db->f("product_id"); $i++; } return $list; } /** * Function to quickly check whether a product has child products or not * * @param int $pid The id of the product to check * @return boolean True when the product has childs, false when not */ function parent_has_children($pid) { $db = new ps_DB; if( empty($GLOBALS['product_info'][$pid]["parent_has_children"] )) { $q = "SELECT COUNT(product_id) as num_rows FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE product_parent_id='$pid' "; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); if( $db->f('num_rows') > 0 ) { $GLOBALS['product_info'][$pid]["parent_has_children"] = True; } else { $GLOBALS['product_info'][$pid]["parent_has_children"] = False; } } return $GLOBALS['product_info'][$pid]["parent_has_children"]; } /** * Function to quickly check whether a product has attributes or not * * @param int $pid The id of the product to check * @return boolean True when the product has attributes, false when not */ function product_has_attributes($pid, $checkSimpleAttributes=false ) { if( is_array($pid) || empty($pid)) { return false; } $pid = intval( $pid ); $db = new ps_DB; if( empty($GLOBALS['product_info'][$pid]["product_has_attributes"] )) { $db->query( "SELECT `product_id` FROM `#__{vm}_product_attribute_sku` WHERE `product_id`=$pid"); if ($db->next_record()) { $GLOBALS['product_info'][$pid]["product_has_attributes"] = True; } elseif( $checkSimpleAttributes ) { $db->query( "SELECT `attribute`,`custom_attribute` FROM `#__{vm}_product` WHERE `product_id`=$pid"); $db->next_record(); if( $db->f('attribute') || $db->f('custom_attribute')) { $GLOBALS['product_info'][$pid]["product_has_attributes"] = True; } else { $GLOBALS['product_info'][$pid]["product_has_attributes"] = False; } } else { $GLOBALS['product_info'][$pid]["product_has_attributes"] = False; } } return $GLOBALS['product_info'][$pid]["product_has_attributes"]; } /** * Get the value of the field $field_name for product $product_id from the product table * * @param int $product_id * @param string $field_name * @return string The value of the field $field_name for that product */ function get_field( $product_id, $field_name, $force = false ) { if( $product_id == 0 ) return ''; $db = new ps_DB; if( !isset($GLOBALS['product_info'][$product_id][$field_name] ) || $force ) { $q = 'SELECT product_id, `#__{vm}_product`.* FROM `#__{vm}_product` WHERE `product_id`='.(int)$product_id; $db->query($q); if ($db->next_record()) { $values = get_object_vars( $db->getCurrentRow() ); foreach( $values as $key => $value ) { $GLOBALS['product_info'][$product_id][$key] = $value; } if( !isset( $GLOBALS['product_info'][$product_id][$field_name] ) && !is_null($GLOBALS['product_info'][$product_id][$field_name])) { $GLOBALS['vmLogger']->debug( 'The Field '.$field_name. ' does not exist in the product table!'); $GLOBALS['product_info'][$product_id][$field_name] = true; } } else { $GLOBALS['product_info'][$product_id][$field_name] = false; } } return $GLOBALS['product_info'][$product_id][$field_name]; } /** * Sets a global value for a fieldname for a specific product * Is to be used by other scripts to populate a field value for a prodct * that was already fetched from the database - so it doesn't need to e fetched again * Can be also used to override a value * * @param int $product_id * @param string $field_name * @param mixed $value */ function set_field( $product_id, $field_name, $value ) { $GLOBALS['product_info'][$product_id][$field_name] = $value; } /** * This is a very time consuming function. * It fetches the category flypage for a specific product id * * @param int $product_id * @return string The flypage value for that product */ function get_flypage($product_id) { if( empty( $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['flypage'] )) { $db = new ps_DB; $productParentId = (int)$product_id; do { $q = "SELECT `#__{vm}_product`.`product_parent_id` AS product_parent_id, `#__{vm}_category`.`category_flypage` FROM `#__{vm}_product` LEFT JOIN `#__{vm}_product_category_xref` ON `#__{vm}_product_category_xref`.`product_id` = `#__{vm}_product`.`product_id` LEFT JOIN `#__{vm}_category` ON `#__{vm}_product_category_xref`.`category_id` = `#__{vm}_category`.`category_id` WHERE `#__{vm}_product`.`product_id`='$productParentId' "; $productParentId = $db->f("product_parent_id"); $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); } while( $db->f("product_parent_id") && !$db->f("category_flypage")); if ($db->f("category_flypage")) { $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['flypage'] = $db->f("category_flypage"); } else { $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['flypage'] = FLYPAGE; } } return $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['flypage']; } /** * Function to get the name of the vendor the product is associated with * * @param int $product_id * @return string The name of the vendor */ function get_vendorname($product_id) { $db = new ps_DB; $q = "SELECT #__{vm}_vendor.vendor_name FROM #__{vm}_product, #__{vm}_vendor "; $q .= "WHERE #__{vm}_product.product_id='$product_id' "; $q .= "AND #__{vm}_vendor.vendor_id=#__{vm}_product.vendor_id"; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); if ($db->f("vendor_name")) { return $db->f("vendor_name"); } else { return ""; } } /** * Function to get the name of a vendor by its id * @author pablo * @param int $vendor_id * @return string The name of the vendor */ function get_vend_idname($vendor_id) { $db = new ps_DB; $q = "SELECT vendor_name,vendor_id FROM #__{vm}_vendor "; $q .= "WHERE vendor_id='$vendor_id'"; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); if ($db->f("vendor_name")) { return $db->f("vendor_name"); } else { return ""; } } /** * Function to get the vendor_id of a product * @author pablo * @param int $product_id * @return int The vendor id */ function get_vendor_id($product_id) { $db = new ps_DB; if( empty( $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['vendor_id'] )) { $q = "SELECT vendor_id FROM #__{vm}_product "; $q .= "WHERE product_id='$product_id' "; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); if ($db->f("vendor_id")) { $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['vendor_id'] = $db->f("vendor_id"); } else { $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['vendor_id'] = ""; } } return $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['vendor_id']; } /** * Function to get the manufacturer id the product $product_id is assigned to * @author soeren * @param int $product_id * @return int The manufacturer id */ function get_manufacturer_id($product_id) { $db = new ps_DB; $q = "SELECT manufacturer_id FROM #__{vm}_product_mf_xref "; $q .= "WHERE product_id='$product_id' "; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); if ($db->f("manufacturer_id")) { return $db->f("manufacturer_id"); } else { return false; } } /** * Functon to get the name of the manufacturer this product is assigned to * * @param int $product_id * @return string the manufacturer name */ function get_mf_name($product_id) { $db = new ps_DB; $q = "SELECT mf_name,#__{vm}_manufacturer.manufacturer_id FROM #__{vm}_product_mf_xref,#__{vm}_manufacturer "; $q .= "WHERE product_id='$product_id' "; $q .= "AND #__{vm}_manufacturer.manufacturer_id=#__{vm}_product_mf_xref.manufacturer_id"; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); if ($db->f("mf_name")) { return $db->f("mf_name"); } else { return ""; } } /** * This function retrieves the "neighbor" products of a product specified by $product_id * Neighbors are the previous and next product in the current list * * @param int $product_id * @return array */ function get_neighbor_products( $product_id ) { global $perm, $orderby, $my, $auth, $keyword, $DescOrderBy, $limit, $limitstart, $search_limiter, $search_op, $category_id, $manufacturer_id, $vm_mainframe, $vmInputFilter, $product_type_id, $keyword1, $keyword2; $limit = 2000; $limitstart = 0; if( !empty( $_SESSION['last_browse_parameters'])) { foreach( $_SESSION['last_browse_parameters'] as $paramName => $paramValue ) { $$paramName = $paramValue; } } $db = new ps_DB(); $db_browse = new ps_DB(); include( PAGEPATH . 'shop_browse_queries.php' ); $db->query( $list ); $neighbors = array('previous'=>'', 'next'=>''); while( $db->next_record() ) { if( $db->f( 'product_id' ) == $product_id ) { $previous_row = $db->previousRow(); $next_row = $db->nextRow(); if( !empty( $previous_row->product_id )) { $neighbors['previous']['product_id'] = $previous_row->product_id; $neighbors['previous']['product_name'] = $previous_row->product_name; } if( !empty( $next_row->product_id )) { $neighbors['next']['product_id'] = $next_row->product_id; $neighbors['next']['product_name'] = $next_row->product_name; } } } return $neighbors; } /** * Prints the img tag for the given product image * * @param string $image The name of the imahe OR the full URL to the image * @param string $args Additional attributes for the img tag * @param int $resize * (1 = resize the image by using height and width attributes, * 0 = do not resize the image) * @param string $path_appendix The path to be appended to IMAGEURL / IMAGEPATH */ function show_image($image, $args="", $resize=1, $path_appendix="product") { echo $this->image_tag($image, $args, $resize, $path_appendix); } /** * Returns the img tag for the given product image * * @param string $image The name of the imahe OR the full URL to the image * @param string $args Additional attributes for the img tag * @param int $resize * (1 = resize the image by using height and width attributes, * 0 = do not resize the image) * @param string $path_appendix The path to be appended to IMAGEURL / IMAGEPATH * @return The HTML code of the img tag */ function image_tag($image, $args="", $resize=1, $path_appendix='product', $thumb_width=0, $thumb_height=0 ) { global $mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_absolute_path; require_once( CLASSPATH . 'imageTools.class.php'); $border=""; if( strpos( $args, "border=" )===false ) { $border = 'border="0"'; } $height = $width = 0; if ($image != "") { // URL if( substr( $image, 0, 4) == "http" ) { $url = $image; } // local image file else { if(PSHOP_IMG_RESIZE_ENABLE == '1' && $resize==1) { $url = $mosConfig_live_site."/components/com_virtuemart/show_image_in_imgtag.php?filename=".urlencode($image)."&newxsize=".PSHOP_IMG_WIDTH."&newysize=".PSHOP_IMG_HEIGHT."&fileout="; if( !strpos( $args, "height=" )) { $arr = @getimagesize( vmImageTools::getresizedfilename( $image, $path_appendix, '', $thumb_height, $thumb_width ) ); $width = $arr[0]; $height = $arr[1]; } } else { $url = IMAGEURL.$path_appendix.'/'.$image; $using_resized_image = false; if( $resize ) { $image = vmImageTools::getresizedfilename( $image, $path_appendix, '', $thumb_height, $thumb_width ); if( file_exists($image)) { $using_resized_image = true; } } if( $resize && ! $using_resized_image) { if( $height < $width ) { $width = @round($width / ($height / PSHOP_IMG_HEIGHT)); $height = PSHOP_IMG_HEIGHT; } else { $height = @round($height / ($width / PSHOP_IMG_WIDTH )); $width = PSHOP_IMG_WIDTH; } } if( file_exists($image)) { $url = str_replace( $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_live_site, $image ); } elseif( file_exists($mosConfig_absolute_path.'/'.$image)) { $url = $mosConfig_live_site.'/'.$image; } $url = str_replace('//', '/', $url ); $url = str_replace(':/', '://', $url ); if( !strpos( $args, "height=" ) ) { $f = str_replace( IMAGEURL, IMAGEPATH, $url ); if ( file_exists($f) ) { $arr = getimagesize( $f ); $width = $arr[0]; $height = $arr[1]; } else { $width = 100; $height = 100; } } } $url = str_replace( basename( $url ), $GLOBALS['VM_LANG']->convert(basename($url)), $url ); } } else { $url = VM_THEMEURL.'images/'.NO_IMAGE; } return vmCommonHTML::imageTag( $url, '', '', $height, $width, '', '', $args.' '.$border ); } /** * Get the tax rate... * @author soeren * @return int The tax rate found */ function get_taxrate( $ship_to_info_id = '' ) { global $page; $ps_vendor_id = $_SESSION["ps_vendor_id"]; $auth = $_SESSION['auth']; if( !defined('_VM_IS_BACKEND' ) || $page == 'product.product_list' || $page == 'order.order_print') { $db = new ps_DB; if ($auth["show_price_including_tax"] == 1) { require_once( CLASSPATH . 'ps_checkout.php' ); if (! ps_checkout::tax_based_on_vendor_address ($ship_to_info_id) ) { if( $auth["user_id"] > 0 ) { $ship_to_info_id = !empty($ship_to_info_id)? $ship_to_info_id : vmGet( $_REQUEST, 'ship_to_info_id'); //** Select country and state */ if( empty($ship_to_info_id)){ $q = "SELECT state, country FROM #__{vm}_user_info WHERE user_id='". $auth["user_id"] . "'"; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); $state = $db->f("state"); $country = $db->f("country"); } else { $q = "SELECT country, state FROM #__{vm}_user_info WHERE user_info_id='" . $ship_to_info_id."'"; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); $state = $db->f("state"); $country = $db->f("country"); } $q = "SELECT tax_rate FROM #__{vm}_tax_rate WHERE tax_country='$country'\n"; if( !empty($state)) { $q .= "AND (tax_state='$state' OR tax_state=' $state ' OR tax_state='-')"; } $db->query($q); if ($db->next_record()) { $_SESSION['taxrate'][$ps_vendor_id] = $db->f("tax_rate"); } else { $_SESSION['taxrate'][$ps_vendor_id] = 0; } } else { $_SESSION['taxrate'][$ps_vendor_id] = 0; } } else { if( !isset( $_SESSION['taxrate'][$ps_vendor_id] )) { // let's get the store's tax rate $q = "SELECT `tax_rate` FROM #__{vm}_vendor, #__{vm}_tax_rate "; $q .= "WHERE tax_country=vendor_country AND #__{vm}_vendor.vendor_id=1 "; // !! Important !! take the highest available tax rate for the store's country $q .= "ORDER BY `tax_rate` DESC"; $db->query($q); if ($db->next_record()) { $_SESSION['taxrate'][$ps_vendor_id] = $db->f("tax_rate"); } else { $_SESSION['taxrate'][$ps_vendor_id] = 0; } } return $_SESSION['taxrate'][$ps_vendor_id]; } } else { $_SESSION['taxrate'][$ps_vendor_id] = 0; } return $_SESSION['taxrate'][$ps_vendor_id]; } else { return 0; } } /** * Function to get the tax rate of product $product_id * If not found, it uses get_taxrate() * * @param int $product_id * @param int $weight_subtotal (tax virtual/zero-weight items?) * @return int The tax rate for the product */ function get_product_taxrate( $product_id, $weight_subtotal=0, $ship_to_info_id = '' ) { global $vendor_country_3_code; $db = new ps_DB; // Product's weight_subtotal, if weight_subtotal is 0! $product_weight = ps_product::get_field($product_id, 'product_weight'); if( $weight_subtotal == 0 && $product_weight > 0 ) { $weight_subtotal = $product_weight; } require_once( CLASSPATH . 'ps_checkout.php' ); // EU TAX_MODE $auth = $_SESSION['auth']; $userid = $auth["user_id"]; if ( $userid > 0 && TAX_MODE == '17749' && ps_checkout::country_in_eu_common_vat_zone($vendor_country_3_code)){ $ship_country = ''; $user_info_id = ''; if ( vmGet( $_REQUEST, 'ship_to_info_id') || $ship_to_info_id ){ if (!$ship_to_info_id){ $ship_to_info_id = vmGet( $_REQUEST, 'ship_to_info_id'); } $q = "SELECT country FROM #__{vm}_user_info WHERE user_info_id='" . $ship_to_info_id ."'"; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); $ship_country = $db->f("country"); } if ( $ship_to_info_id == '') { $ship_country = $auth["country"]; $q = "SELECT user_info_id FROM #__{vm}_user_info WHERE user_id = '" .(int)$userid . "' AND address_type='BT'"; $db->query($q); $user_info_id = $db->f("user_info_id"); } // Check if user country is outside EU. $eu_vat = ''; if( ps_checkout::country_in_eu_common_vat_zone($ship_country)){ $eu_vat = 'yes'; } if( TAX_MODE == '17749' && $eu_vat == 'yes' ) { $q="SELECT name FROM #__{vm}_userfield WHERE type='euvatid' AND published=1"; $db->query($q); $vatid_fieldname = $db->f( 'name' ); } if( !$eu_vat && ps_checkout::country_in_eu_common_vat_zone($vendor_country_3_code)) { $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['tax_rate'] = 0; return $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['tax_rate']; } // Handle TAX if EU VAT ID if( $eu_vat == 'yes' && $vendor_country_3_code != $ship_country){ $q = "SELECT country_2_code FROM #__{vm}_country WHERE country_3_code='" . $ship_country ."'"; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); $ship_country_2_code = $db->f("country_2_code"); if( $vatid_fieldname ) { $q = "SELECT `$vatid_fieldname` FROM #__{vm}_user_info WHERE user_info_id='" . $ship_to_info_id ."' OR user_info_id='" . $user_info_id."'"; $db->query($q); while($db->next_record()) { $vat_id = $db->f($vatid_fieldname); if( $ship_country_2_code == substr($vat_id, 0, 2) ) { $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['tax_rate'] = 0; return $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['tax_rate']; } } } } } if ( ( $weight_subtotal != 0 or TAX_VIRTUAL=='1' ) && !ps_checkout::tax_based_on_vendor_address( $ship_to_info_id ) ) { $tax_rate_id = ps_product::get_field($product_id, 'product_tax_id'); if( $tax_rate_id == 0 ) { // if the tax rate was explicitely set to "0 (none)", the product should not be taxed, no matter what else $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['tax_rate'] = 0; } else { $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['tax_rate'] = $this->get_taxrate( $ship_to_info_id ); } return $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['tax_rate']; } elseif( ( $weight_subtotal == 0 or TAX_VIRTUAL != '1' ) && !ps_checkout::tax_based_on_vendor_address( $ship_to_info_id ) ) { $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['tax_rate'] = 0; return $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['tax_rate']; } elseif( ps_checkout::tax_based_on_vendor_address ( $ship_to_info_id ) ) { // if( empty( $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['tax_rate'] ) ) { $db = new ps_DB; // Product's tax rate id has priority! $q = 'SELECT tax_rate FROM #__{vm}_product, #__{vm}_tax_rate '; $q .= 'WHERE product_tax_id=tax_rate_id AND product_id='.(int)$product_id; $db->query($q); if ( $db->next_record() ) { $rate = $db->f("tax_rate"); } else { // if we didn't find a product tax rate id, let's get the store's tax rate $rate = $this->get_taxrate( $ship_to_info_id ); } if ($weight_subtotal != 0 or TAX_VIRTUAL=='1') { $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['tax_rate'] = $rate; return $rate; } else { $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['tax_rate'] = 0; return 0; } // } // else { // return $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['tax_rate']; // } } return 0; } /** * Function to get the "pure" undiscounted and untaxed price * of product $product_id. Used by the administration section. * * @param int $product_id * @return array The product price information */ function get_retail_price($product_id) { $db = new ps_DB; // Get the vendor id for this product. $q = "SELECT vendor_id FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE product_id='$product_id'"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); $db->next_record(); $vendor_id = $db->f("vendor_id"); // Get the default shopper group id for this product and user $q = "SELECT shopper_group_id FROM #__{vm}_shopper_group WHERE `vendor_id`='$vendor_id' AND `default`='1'"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); $db->next_record(); $default_shopper_group_id = $db->f("shopper_group_id"); $q = "SELECT product_price,product_currency,price_quantity_start,price_quantity_end FROM #__{vm}_product_price WHERE product_id='$product_id' AND shopper_group_id='$default_shopper_group_id'"; $db->query($q); if ($db->next_record()) { $price_info["product_price"]= $db->f("product_price"); $price_info["product_currency"]=$db->f("product_currency"); $price_info["price_quantity_start"]=$db->f("price_quantity_start"); // added alatak $price_info["price_quantity_end"]=$db->f("price_quantity_end");// added alatak } else { $price_info["product_price"]= ""; $price_info["product_currency"] = $_SESSION['vendor_currency']; $price_info["price_quantity_start"]=$db->f("price_quantity_start"); // added alatak $price_info["price_quantity_end"]=$db->f("price_quantity_end");// added alatak } return $price_info; } /** * Get the price of product $product_id for the shopper group associated * with $auth['user_id'] - including shopper group discounts * * @param int $product_id * @param boolean $check_multiple_prices Check if the product has more than one price for that shopper group? * @return array The product price information */ function get_price($product_id, $check_multiple_prices=false, $overrideShopperGroup='' ) { if( empty( $product_id)) return array(); $auth = $_SESSION['auth']; $cart = $_SESSION['cart']; if( empty( $GLOBALS['product_info'][$product_id]['price'] ) || !empty($GLOBALS['product_info'][$product_id]['price']["product_has_multiple_prices"]) || $check_multiple_prices) { $db = new ps_DB; $vendor_id = $this->get_vendor_id($product_id); if( $overrideShopperGroup === '') { $shopper_group_id = $auth["shopper_group_id"]; $shopper_group_discount = $auth["shopper_group_discount"]; } else { $shopper_group_id = $overrideShopperGroup; $shopper_group_discount = 0; } ps_shopper_group::makeDefaultShopperGroupInfo(); // Get the product_parent_id for this product/item $product_parent_id = $this->get_field($product_id, "product_parent_id"); // LW PATCH - Get the category of this product - used later to drive category-based multiple purchases $sesq = "SELECT category_id FROM #__{vm}_product_category_xref WHERE product_id='$product_id'"; $db->setQuery($sesq); $db->query(); $db->next_record(); $sesprodcat = $db->f("category_id"); if ($sesprodcat == 28) { $ses_cat_discount = TRUE; } else { $ses_cat_discount = FALSE; } // END LW PATCH if( !$check_multiple_prices ) { /* Added for Volume based prices */ // This is an important decision: we add up all product quantities with the same product_id, // regardless to attributes. This gives "real" volume based discount, because our simple attributes // depend on one and the same product_id $quantity = 0; $parent_id = ""; if ($product_parent_id) { $parent = true; } else { $parent = false; } for ($i=0;$i<$cart["idx"];$i++) { // LW PATCH - If any product in the cart is in the same category then treat as volume purchase if ($ses_cat_discount) { $sesq = "SELECT category_id FROM #__{vm}_product_category_xref WHERE product_id='".$cart[$i]["product_id"]."'"; $db->setQuery($sesq); $db->query(); $db->next_record(); $sesprodchildcat = $db->f("category_id"); if ($sesprodchildcat == $sesprodcat) { $quantity += $cart[$i]["quantity"]; } } else { if ($cart[$i]["product_id"] == $product_id) { if ($parent) { $parent_id = $cart[$i]["parent_id"]; } else { $quantity += $cart[$i]["quantity"]; } } } } // End LW PATCH if ($parent) { for ($i=0;$i<$cart["idx"];$i++) { if (@$cart[$i]['parent_id'] == $parent_id) { $quantity += $cart[$i]["quantity"]; } } } $volume_quantity_sql = " ORDER BY price_quantity_start"; if( $quantity > 0 ) { $volume_quantity_sql = " AND (('$quantity' >= price_quantity_start AND '$quantity' <= price_quantity_end) OR (price_quantity_end='0') OR ('$quantity' > price_quantity_end)) ORDER BY price_quantity_end DESC"; } } else { $volume_quantity_sql = " ORDER BY price_quantity_start"; } // Get the price array $price = $this->getPriceByShopperGroup( $product_id, $shopper_group_id, $check_multiple_prices, $volume_quantity_sql ); if( !$price && $product_parent_id ) { // If this is a child product and it has not a price for the requested shopper group, get the price for the default shopper group $price = $this->getPriceByShopperGroup( $product_id, $GLOBALS['vendor_info'][$vendor_id]['default_shopper_group_id'], $check_multiple_prices, $volume_quantity_sql ); if( !$price ) { // if the child product has no priceat all, get the price of the parent product for that shopper group $price = $this->getPriceByShopperGroup( $product_parent_id, $shopper_group_id, $check_multiple_prices, $volume_quantity_sql ); } if( !$price ) { // if the parent product has no price for the requested shopper group, get the price of the default shopper group $price = $this->getPriceByShopperGroup( $product_parent_id, $shopper_group_id, $check_multiple_prices, $volume_quantity_sql ); } } elseif( !$price ) { // if the product has no price for the requested shopper group, get the price of the default shopper group $price = $this->getPriceByShopperGroup( $product_id, $GLOBALS['vendor_info'][$vendor_id]['default_shopper_group_id'], $check_multiple_prices, $volume_quantity_sql ); } return $price; } else { return $GLOBALS['product_info'][$product_id]['price']; } } /** * Returns the price for a specific shopper group, * Returns nothing, when the shopper group has no price * * @param int $product_id * @param int $shopper_group_id * @param boolean $check_multiple_prices * @param string $additionalSQL * @return mixed */ function getPriceByShopperGroup( $product_id, $shopper_group_id, $check_multiple_prices=false, $additionalSQL='' ) { global $auth; static $resultcache = array(); $db = new ps_DB; $vendor_id = $_SESSION['ps_vendor_id']; if( empty( $shopper_group_id )) { ps_shopper_group::makeDefaultShopperGroupInfo(); $shopper_group_id = $GLOBALS['vendor_info'][$vendor_id]['default_shopper_group_id']; } $whereClause='WHERE product_id=%s AND shopper_group_id=%s '; $whereClause = sprintf( $whereClause, intval($product_id), intval($shopper_group_id) ); $q = "SELECT `product_price`, `product_price_id`, `product_currency` FROM `#__{vm}_product_price` $whereClause $additionalSQL"; $sig = sprintf("%u\n", crc32($q)); if( !isset($resultcache[$sig])) { $db->query($q); if( !$db->next_record() ) return false; $price_info["product_price"]= $db->f("product_price") * ((100 - $auth["shopper_group_discount"])/100); $price_info["product_currency"] = $db->f("product_currency"); $price_info["product_base_price"]= $db->f("product_price") * ((100 - $auth["shopper_group_discount"])/100); $price_info["product_has_multiple_prices"] = $db->num_rows() > 1; $price_info["product_price_id"] = $db->f("product_price_id"); $price_info["item"]=true; $GLOBALS['product_info'][$product_id]['price'] = $price_info; // Store the result for later $resultcache[$sig] = $price_info; return $GLOBALS['product_info'][$product_id]['price']; } else { return $resultcache[$sig]; } } /** * Adjusts the price from get_price for the selected attributes * @author Nathan Hyde * @author curlyroger from his post at * * @param int $product_id * @param string $description * @return array The adjusted price information */ function get_adjusted_attribute_price ($product_id, $description='') { global $mosConfig_secret; $auth = $_SESSION['auth']; $price = $this->get_price($product_id); $base_price = $price["product_price"]; $setprice = 0; $set_price = false; $adjustment = 0; // We must care for custom attribute fields! Their value can be freely given // by the customer, so we mustn't include them into the price calculation // Thanks to for the good advice if( empty( $_REQUEST["custom_attribute_fields"] )) { if( !empty( $_SESSION["custom_attribute_fields"] )) { $custom_attribute_fields = vmGet( $_SESSION, "custom_attribute_fields", Array() ); $custom_attribute_fields_check = vmGet( $_SESSION, "custom_attribute_fields_check", Array() ); } else $custom_attribute_fields = $custom_attribute_fields_check = Array(); } else { $custom_attribute_fields = $_SESSION["custom_attribute_fields"] = vmGet( $_REQUEST, "custom_attribute_fields", Array() ); $custom_attribute_fields_check = $_SESSION["custom_attribute_fields_check"]= vmGet( $_REQUEST, "custom_attribute_fields_check", Array() ); } // if we've been given a description to deal with, get the adjusted price if ($description != '') { // description is safe to use at this point cause it's set to '' require_once(CLASSPATH.'ps_product_attribute.php'); $product_attributes = ps_product_attribute::getAdvancedAttributes($product_id, true); $attribute_keys = explode( ";", $description ); for($i=0; $i < sizeof($attribute_keys); $i++ ) { $temp_desc = $attribute_keys[$i]; $temp_desc = trim( $temp_desc ); // Get the key name (e.g. "Color" ) $this_key = substr( $temp_desc, 0, strpos($temp_desc, ":") ); $this_value = substr( $temp_desc, strpos($temp_desc, ":")+1 ); if( in_array( $this_key, $custom_attribute_fields )) { if( @$custom_attribute_fields_check[$this_key] == md5( $mosConfig_secret.$this_key )) { // the passed value is valid, don't use it for calculating prices continue; } } if( isset( $product_attributes[$this_key]['values'][$this_value] )) { $modifier = $product_attributes[$this_key]['values'][$this_value]['adjustment']; $operand = $product_attributes[$this_key]['values'][$this_value]['operand']; // if we have a number, allow the adjustment if (true == is_numeric($modifier) ) { // Now add or sub the modifier on if ($operand=="+") { $adjustment += $modifier; } else if ($operand=="-") { $adjustment -= $modifier; } else if ($operand=='=') { // NOTE: the +=, so if we have 2 sets they get added // this could be moded to say, if we have a set_price, then // calc the diff from the base price and start from there if we encounter // another set price... just a thought. $setprice += $modifier; $set_price = true; } } } else { continue; } } } // no set price was set from the attribs if ($set_price == false) { $price["product_price"] = $base_price + ($adjustment)*(1 - ($auth["shopper_group_discount"]/100)); } else { // otherwise, set the price // add the base price to the price set in the attributes // then subtract the adjustment amount // we could also just add the set_price to the adjustment... not sure on that one. if (!empty($adjustment)) { $setprice += $adjustment; } $setprice *= 1 - ($auth["shopper_group_discount"]/100); $price["product_price"] = $setprice; } // don't let negative prices get by, set to 0 if ($price["product_price"] < 0) { $price["product_price"] = 0; } // Get the DISCOUNT AMOUNT $discount_info = $this->get_discount( $product_id ); $my_taxrate = $this->get_product_taxrate($product_id); // If discounts are applied after tax, but prices are shown without tax, // AND tax is EU mode and shopper is not in the EU, // then ps_product::get_product_taxrate() returns 0, so $my_taxrate = 0. // But, the discount still needs to be reduced by the shopper's tax rate, so we obtain it here: if( PAYMENT_DISCOUNT_BEFORE != '1' && $auth["show_price_including_tax"] != 1 && !ps_checkout::tax_based_on_vendor_address() ) { $db = new ps_DB; $ps_vendor_id = $_SESSION["ps_vendor_id"]; require_once( CLASSPATH . 'ps_checkout.php' ); if (! ps_checkout::tax_based_on_vendor_address ()) { if( $auth["user_id"] > 0 ) { $q = "SELECT state, country FROM #__{vm}_user_info WHERE user_id='". $auth["user_id"] . "'"; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); $state = $db->f("state"); $country = $db->f("country"); $q = "SELECT tax_rate FROM #__{vm}_tax_rate WHERE tax_country='$country' "; if( !empty($state)) { $q .= "AND (tax_state='$state' OR tax_state=' $state ' OR tax_state='-')"; } $db->query($q); if ($db->next_record()) { $my_taxrate = $db->f("tax_rate"); } else { $my_taxrate = 0; } } else { $my_taxrate = 0; } } else { if( empty( $_SESSION['taxrate'][$ps_vendor_id] )) { // let's get the store's tax rate $q = "SELECT `tax_rate` FROM #__{vm}_vendor, #__{vm}_tax_rate "; $q .= "WHERE tax_country=vendor_country AND #__{vm}_vendor.vendor_id=1 "; // !! Important !! take the highest available tax rate for the store's country $q .= "ORDER BY `tax_rate` DESC"; $db->query($q); if ($db->next_record()) { $my_taxrate = $db->f("tax_rate"); } else { $my_taxrate = 0; } } } } // Apply the discount if( !empty($discount_info["amount"])) { $undiscounted_price = $base_price; switch( $discount_info["is_percent"] ) { case 0: if( PAYMENT_DISCOUNT_BEFORE == '1' ) { // If we subtract discounts BEFORE tax // Subtract the whole discount $price["product_price"] -= $discount_info["amount"]; } else { // But, if we subtract discounts AFTER tax // Subtract the untaxed portion of the discount $price["product_price"] -= $discount_info["amount"]/($my_taxrate + 1); } break; case 1: $price["product_price"] -= $price["product_price"]*($discount_info["amount"]/100); break; } } return $price; } /** * This function can parse an "advanced / custom attribute" * description like * Size:big[+2.99]; Color:red[+0.99] * and return the same string with values, tax added * Size: big (+3.47), Color: red (+1.15) * * @param string $description * @param int $product_id * @return string The reformatted description */ function getDescriptionWithTax( $description, $product_id=0 ) { global $CURRENCY_DISPLAY, $mosConfig_secret; require_once(CLASSPATH.'ps_product_attribute.php'); $auth = $_SESSION['auth']; $description = stripslashes($description); // if we've been given a description to deal with, get the adjusted price if ($description != '' && $auth["show_price_including_tax"] == 1 && $product_id != 0 ) { $my_taxrate = $this->get_product_taxrate($product_id); $price = $this->get_price( $product_id ); $product_currency = $price['product_currency']; } else { $my_taxrate = 0.00; $product_currency = ''; } // We must care for custom attribute fields! Their value can be freely given // by the customer, so we mustn't include them into the price calculation // Thanks to for the good advice if( empty( $_REQUEST["custom_attribute_fields"] )) { if( !empty( $_SESSION["custom_attribute_fields"] )) { $custom_attribute_fields = vmGet( $_SESSION, "custom_attribute_fields", Array() ); $custom_attribute_fields_check = vmGet( $_SESSION, "custom_attribute_fields_check", Array() ); } else { $custom_attribute_fields = $custom_attribute_fields_check = Array(); } } else { $custom_attribute_fields = $_SESSION["custom_attribute_fields"] = vmGet( $_REQUEST, "custom_attribute_fields", Array() ); $custom_attribute_fields_check = $_SESSION["custom_attribute_fields_check"]= vmGet( $_REQUEST, "custom_attribute_fields_check", Array() ); } $product_attributes = ps_product_attribute::getAdvancedAttributes($product_id); $attribute_keys = explode( ";", $description ); foreach( $attribute_keys as $temp_desc ) { $finish = strpos($temp_desc,"]"); $temp_desc = trim( $temp_desc ); // Get the key name (e.g. "Color" ) $this_key = substr( $temp_desc, 0, strpos($temp_desc, ":") ); $this_value = substr( $temp_desc, strpos($temp_desc, ":")+1 ); if( in_array( $this_key, $custom_attribute_fields )) { if( @$custom_attribute_fields_check[$this_key] == md5( $mosConfig_secret.$this_key )) { // the passed value is valid, don't use it for calculating prices continue; } } if( isset( $product_attributes[$this_key]['values'][$this_value] )) { $modifier = $product_attributes[$this_key]['values'][$this_value]['adjustment']; $operand = $product_attributes[$this_key]['values'][$this_value]['operand']; $value_notax = $GLOBALS['CURRENCY']->convert( $modifier, $product_currency ); if( abs($value_notax) >0 ) { $value_taxed = $value_notax * ($my_taxrate+1); $temp_desc_new = str_replace( $operand.$modifier, $operand.' '.$CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue( $value_taxed ), $temp_desc ); $description = str_replace( $this_key.':'.$this_value, $this_key.':'.$this_value.' ('.$operand.' '.$CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue( $value_taxed ).')', $description); } $temp_desc = substr($temp_desc, $finish+1); } } $description = str_replace( $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->symbol, '@saved@', $description ); $description = str_replace( "[", " (", $description ); $description = str_replace( "]", ")", $description ); $description = str_replace( ":", ": ", $description ); $description = str_replace( ";", "
", $description ); $description = str_replace( '@saved@', $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->symbol, $description ); return $description; } function calcEndUserprice( $product_id, $overrideShoppergroup ) { global $VM_LANG, $CURRENCY_DISPLAY; $auth = $_SESSION['auth']; // Get the DISCOUNT AMOUNT $discount_info = $this->get_discount( $product_id ); // Get the Price according to the quantity in the Cart $price_info = $this->get_price( $product_id, false, $overrideShoppergroup ); if (isset($price_info["product_price_id"])) { $base_price = $price_info["product_price"]; $price = $price_info["product_price"]; if ($auth["show_price_including_tax"] == 1) { $my_taxrate = $this->get_product_taxrate($product_id); $base_price += ($my_taxrate * $price); } else { $my_taxrate = 0; } $tax = $my_taxrate * 100; $price_info['tax_rate'] = $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_TAX_LIST_RATE').': '.$tax.'%'; // Calculate discount if( !empty($discount_info["amount"])) { switch( $discount_info["is_percent"] ) { case 0: $base_price -= $discount_info["amount"]; $price_info['discount_info'] = $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_PRODUCT_DISCOUNT_LBL').': '.$CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($discount_info['amount']); break; case 1: $base_price *= (100 - $discount_info["amount"])/100; $price_info['discount_info'] = $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_PRODUCT_DISCOUNT_LBL').': '.$discount_info['amount'].'%'; break; } } $price_info['product_price'] = $base_price; } return $price_info; } /** * Function to calculate the price, apply discounts from the discount table * and reformat the price * * @param int $product_id * @param boolean $hide_tax Wether to show the text "(including X.X% tax)" or not * @return string The formatted price */ function show_price( $product_id, $hide_tax = false ) { global $VM_LANG, $CURRENCY_DISPLAY,$vendor_mail; $auth = $_SESSION['auth']; $tpl = new $GLOBALS['VM_THEMECLASS'](); $product_name = htmlentities( $this->get_field($product_id, 'product_name'), ENT_QUOTES ); $tpl->set( 'product_id', $product_id ); $tpl->set( 'product_name', $product_name ); $tpl->set( 'vendor_mail', $vendor_mail ); $discount_info = $base_price = array(); $text_including_tax = ''; if( $auth['show_prices'] ) { // Get the DISCOUNT AMOUNT $discount_info = $this->get_discount( $product_id ); if( !$discount_info["is_percent"] && $discount_info["amount"] != 0 ) { $discount_info["amount"] = $GLOBALS['CURRENCY']->convert($discount_info["amount"]); } // Get the Price according to the quantity in the Cart $price_info = $this->get_price( $product_id ); $tpl->set( 'price_info', $price_info ); // Get the Base Price of the Product $base_price_info = $this->get_price($product_id, true ); $tpl->set( 'base_price_info', $base_price_info ); if( $price_info === false ) { $price_info = $base_price_info; } $html = ""; $undiscounted_price = 0; if (isset($price_info["product_price_id"])) { if( $base_price_info["product_price"]== $price_info["product_price"] ) { $price = $base_price = $GLOBALS['CURRENCY']->convert( $base_price_info["product_price"], $price_info['product_currency'] ); } else { $base_price = $GLOBALS['CURRENCY']->convert( $base_price_info["product_price"], $price_info['product_currency'] ); $price = $GLOBALS['CURRENCY']->convert( $price_info["product_price"], $price_info['product_currency'] ); } if ($auth["show_price_including_tax"] == 1) { $my_taxrate = $this->get_product_taxrate($product_id); $base_price += ($my_taxrate * $base_price); } else { $my_taxrate = 0; } // Calculate discount if( !empty($discount_info["amount"])) { $undiscounted_price = $base_price; switch( $discount_info["is_percent"] ) { case 0: // If we subtract discounts BEFORE tax if( PAYMENT_DISCOUNT_BEFORE == '1' ) { // and if our prices are shown with tax if( $auth["show_price_including_tax"] == 1) { // then we add tax to the (untaxed) discount $discount_info['amount'] += ($my_taxrate*$discount_info['amount']); } // but if our prices are shown without tax // we just leave the (untaxed) discount amount as it is } // But, if we subtract discounts AFTER tax // and if our prices are shown with tax // we just leave the (untaxed) discount amount as it is // but if prices are shown without tax // we just leave the (untaxed) discount amount as it is // even though this is not really a good combination of settings $base_price -= $discount_info["amount"]; break; case 1: $base_price *= (100 - $discount_info["amount"])/100; break; } } $text_including_tax = ""; if (!empty($my_taxrate)) { $tax = $my_taxrate * 100; // only show "including x % tax" when it shall // not be hidden if( !$hide_tax && $auth["show_price_including_tax"] == 1 && VM_PRICE_SHOW_INCLUDINGTAX) { $text_including_tax = $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_INCLUDING_TAX'); eval ("\$text_including_tax = \"$text_including_tax\";"); } } // Check if we need to display a Table with all Quantity <=> Price Relationships if( $base_price_info["product_has_multiple_prices"] && !$hide_tax ) { $db = new ps_DB; // Quantity Discount Table $q = "SELECT product_price, product_currency, price_quantity_start, price_quantity_end FROM #__{vm}_product_price WHERE product_id='$product_id' AND shopper_group_id='".$auth["shopper_group_id"]."' ORDER BY price_quantity_start"; $db->query( $q ); // $prices_table = " $prices_table = "
"; $i = 1; if ($db->num_rows()==0) { // get the vendor ID $q = "SELECT vendor_id FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE product_id='$product_id'"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); $db->next_record(); $vendor_id = $db->f("vendor_id"); // get the default shopper group ID $q = "SELECT shopper_group_id FROM #__{vm}_shopper_group WHERE `vendor_id`='$vendor_id' AND `default`='1'"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); $db->next_record(); $default_shopper_group_id = $db->f("shopper_group_id"); // get the current shopper group discount $q = "SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_shopper_group WHERE shopper_group_id=" . $auth["shopper_group_id"]; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); $db->next_record(); $shopper_group_discount = $db->f("shopper_group_discount"); // check for prices in default shopper group $q = "SELECT product_price, price_quantity_start, price_quantity_end, product_currency FROM #__{vm}_product_price WHERE product_id='$product_id' AND shopper_group_id='".$default_shopper_group_id."' ORDER BY price_quantity_start"; $db->query( $q ); while( $db->next_record() ) { $prices_table .= ""; $prices_table .= ""; $i == 1 ? $i++ : $i--; } } else { // get the current shopper group discount $dbsg = new ps_DB(); $q = "SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_shopper_group WHERE shopper_group_id=" . $auth["shopper_group_id"]; $dbsg->setQuery($q); $dbsg->query(); $dbsg->next_record(); $shopper_group_discount = $dbsg->f("shopper_group_discount"); while( $db->next_record() ) { $price = $GLOBALS['CURRENCY']->convert( $db->f("product_price"), $db->f("product_currency") ); $prices_table .= ""; $prices_table .= ""; $i == 1 ? $i++ : $i--; } } $prices_table .= "
".$db->f("price_quantity_start")." - ".$db->f("price_quantity_end").""; if (!empty($my_taxrate)) $prices_table .= $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue( ($my_taxrate+1)*$db->f("product_price")*((100-$shopper_group_discount)/100) ); else $prices_table .= $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue( $db->f("product_price")*((100-$shopper_group_discount)/100) ); $prices_table .= "
".$db->f("price_quantity_start")." - ".$db->f("price_quantity_end").""; if (!empty($my_taxrate)) { $prices_table .= $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue( ($my_taxrate+1)*$price*((100-$shopper_group_discount)/100) ); } else { $prices_table .= $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue( $price*((100-$shopper_group_discount)/100) ); } $prices_table .= "
"; if( @$_REQUEST['page'] != "shop.product_details" ) { $html .= vmToolTip( $prices_table ); } else $html .= $prices_table; } } } $tpl->set( 'discount_info', $discount_info ); $tpl->set( 'text_including_tax', $text_including_tax ); $tpl->set( 'undiscounted_price', @$undiscounted_price ); $tpl->set( 'base_price', $base_price ); $tpl->set( 'price_table', $html); return $tpl->fetch( 'common/price.tpl.php'); } /** * Get the information about the discount for a product * * @param int $product_id * @return array The discount information */ function get_discount( $product_id ) { global $mosConfig_lifetime; // We use the Session now to store the discount info for // each product. But this info can change regularly, // so we check if the session time has expired if( empty( $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['discount_info'] ) || (time() - $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['discount_info']['create_time'] )>$mosConfig_lifetime) { $db = new ps_DB; $starttime = time(); $year = date('Y'); $month = date('n'); $day = date('j'); // get the beginning time of today $endofday = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year) - 1440; // Get the DISCOUNT AMOUNT $q = "SELECT amount,is_percent FROM #__{vm}_product,#__{vm}_product_discount "; $q .= "WHERE product_id='$product_id' AND (start_date<='$starttime' OR start_date=0) AND (end_date>='$endofday' OR end_date=0) "; $q .= "AND product_discount_id=discount_id"; $db->query( $q ); if( $db->next_record() ) { $discount_info["amount"] = $db->f("amount"); $discount_info["is_percent"] = $db->f("is_percent"); $no_discount = false; } else { $discount_info["amount"] = 0; $discount_info["is_percent"] = 0; $no_discount = true; } if ($no_discount) { $q = "SELECT product_parent_id FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE product_id=$product_id"; $db->query($q); if($db->next_record()) { $q = "SELECT amount,is_percent FROM #__{vm}_product,#__{vm}_product_discount "; $q .= "WHERE product_id='".$db->f("product_parent_id")."' AND (start_date<='$starttime' OR start_date=0) AND (end_date>='$endofday' OR end_date=0) "; $q .= "AND product_discount_id=discount_id"; $db->query( $q ); if( $db->next_record() ) { $discount_info["amount"] = $db->f("amount"); $discount_info["is_percent"] = $db->f("is_percent"); } } } $discount_info['create_time'] = time(); $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['discount_info'] = $discount_info; return $discount_info; } else return $_SESSION['product_sess'][$product_id]['discount_info']; } /** * display a snapshot of a product based on the product sku. * This was written to provide a quick way to display a product inside of modules * * @param string $product_sku The SKU identifying the product * @param boolean $show_price Show the product price? * @param boolean $show_addtocart Show the add-to-cart link? * @param boolean $show_product_name Show the product name? */ function show_snapshot($product_sku, $show_price=true, $show_addtocart=true, $show_product_name = true ) { echo $this->product_snapshot( $product_sku, $show_price, $show_addtocart, $show_product_name ); } /** * Returns HTML code for a snapshot of a product based on the product sku. * This was written to provide a quick way to display a product inside of modules * * @param string $product_sku The SKU identifying the product * @param boolean $show_price Show the product price? * @param boolean $show_addtocart Show the add-to-cart link? * @param boolean $show_product_name Show the product name? */ function product_snapshot( $product_sku, $show_price=true, $show_addtocart=true, $show_product_name = true ) { global $sess, $mm_action_url; $db = new ps_DB; require_once(CLASSPATH.'ps_product_category.php'); $ps_product_category = new ps_product_category; $q = "SELECT product_id, product_name, product_parent_id, product_thumb_image FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE product_sku='$product_sku'"; $db->query( $q ); if ($db->next_record()) { $product_id = $db->f("product_id" ); $tpl = new $GLOBALS['VM_THEMECLASS'](); $cid = $ps_product_category->get_cid( $product_id ); $tpl->set( 'product_id', $product_id); $tpl->set( 'product_name', $db->f("product_name") ); $tpl->set( 'show_product_name', $show_product_name ); if ($db->f("product_parent_id")) { $url = "?page=shop.product_details&category_id=$cid&flypage=".$this->get_flypage($db->f("product_parent_id")); $url .= "&product_id=" . $db->f("product_parent_id"); } else { $url = "?page=shop.product_details&category_id=$cid&flypage=".$this->get_flypage($db->f("product_id")); $url .= "&product_id=" . $db->f("product_id"); } $product_link = $sess->url($mm_action_url. "index.php" . $url); $tpl->set( 'product_link', $product_link ); $tpl->set( 'product_thumb_image', $db->f("product_thumb_image"), "alt=\"".$db->f("product_name")."\""); if (_SHOW_PRICES == '1' && $show_price) { // Show price, but without "including X% tax" $price = $this->show_price( $db->f("product_id"), true ); $tpl->set( 'price', $price ); } if (USE_AS_CATALOGUE != 1 && $show_addtocart && isset( $GLOBALS['product_info'][$product_id]['price']['product_price_id'] ) // Product must have a price to add it to cart && !$this->product_has_attributes($product_id, true) // Parent Products and Products with attributes can't be added to cart this way ) { $url = "?page=shop.cart&func=cartAdd&product_id=" . $db->f("product_id"); $addtocart_link = $sess->url($mm_action_url. "index.php" . $url); $tpl->set( 'addtocart_link', $addtocart_link ); } return $tpl->fetch( 'common/productsnapshot.tpl.php'); } return ''; } /** * Use this function if you need the weight of a product * * @param int $prod_id * @return int The weight of the product */ function get_weight($prod_id) { return (float)$this->get_field( $prod_id, "product_weight"); } /** * Print the availability HTML code for product $prod_id * * @param int $prod_id */ function show_availability($prod_id) { echo $this->get_availability($prod_id); } /** * Returns the availability information as HTML code * @author soeren * @param int $prod_id * @return string */ function get_availability($prod_id) { $html = ''; $availArr = $this->get_availability_data( $prod_id ); if( !empty( $availArr )) { $tpl = vmTemplate::getInstance(); $tpl->set( 'product_id', $prod_id ); $tpl->set( 'product_available_date', $availArr['product_available_date'] ); $tpl->set( 'product_availability', $availArr['product_availability'] ); $tpl->set( 'product_in_stock', $availArr['product_in_stock'] ); $html = $tpl->fetch( 'common/availability.tpl.php'); } return $html; } /** * Retrieves the data related to availability information * * @param int $prod_id * @return array */ function get_availability_data( $prod_id) { $is_parent = $this->parent_has_children( $prod_id ); $availArr = array(); if( !$is_parent ) { $availArr['product_id'] = $prod_id; $availArr['product_available_date'] = $this->get_field( $prod_id, 'product_available_date'); $availArr['product_availability'] = $this->get_field( $prod_id, 'product_availability'); $availArr['product_in_stock'] = $this->get_field( $prod_id, 'product_in_stock'); } return $availArr; } /** * Modifies the product_publish field and toggles it from Y to N or N to Y * for product $d['product_id'] * @deprecated * @param int $d $d['task'] must be "publish" or "unpublish" * @return unknown */ function product_publish( &$d ) { $this->handlePublishState( $d ); return; } /** * Function to check if a product exists (and is published) * @static * @param int $product_id * @param boolean $check_publishstate * @return boolean */ function product_exists( $product_id, $check_publishstate=true ) { $db = new ps_DB(); $q = "SELECT product_id FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE "; $q .= "product_id = ".(int)$product_id; if( $check_publishstate ) { $q.= ' AND product_publish=\'Y\''; } $db->query ( $q ); return $db->num_rows() > 0; } /** * Assembles the $child_options variable for storage in the product table * * @param unknown_type $d * @return unknown */ function set_child_options( $d ) { if($d["product_parent_id"] !=0) { $child_options = null; } else { $child_options = vmrequest::getYesOrNo('display_use_parent')."," .vmGet( $d, 'product_list', 'N' )."," .vmrequest::getYesOrNo('display_headers')."," .vmrequest::getYesOrNo('product_list_child')."," .vmrequest::getYesOrNo('product_list_type')."," .vmrequest::getYesOrNo('display_desc')."," .vmrequest::getVar('desc_width')."," .vmrequest::getVar('attrib_width')."," .vmrequest::getVar('child_class_sfx'); } return $child_options; } function &get_child_options( $product_id ) { $child_options= array(); $child_options_string = ps_product::get_field( $product_id, 'child_options', true ); $fields=explode(',',$child_options_string); if( !empty( $fields)) { $child_options['display_use_parent'] =array_shift($fields); $child_options['product_list'] =array_shift($fields); $child_options['display_header'] =array_shift($fields); $child_options['product_list_child'] =array_shift($fields); $child_options['product_list_type'] =array_shift($fields); $child_options['ddesc'] =array_shift($fields); $child_options['display_desc'] =& $child_options['ddesc']; $child_options['dw'] =array_shift($fields); $child_options['desc_width'] =& $child_options['dw']; $child_options['aw'] =array_shift($fields); $child_options['attrib_width'] =& $child_options['aw']; $child_options['class_suffix'] =array_shift($fields); $child_options['child_class_sfx'] =& $child_options['class_suffix']; } return $child_options; } /** * Assembles the string "quantity_options" for storage in the product table * * @param array $d * @return string */ function set_quantity_options( &$d ) { return vmGet($d,'quantity_box')."," .vmRequest::getInt('quantity_start')."," .vmRequest::getInt('quantity_end')."," .vmRequest::getInt('quantity_step'); } /** * Disassembles the comma-separated "quantity_options" string * and creates an array with associative indices * * @param int $product_id * @return array */ function &get_quantity_options( $product_id ) { $quantity_options = array('quantity_start' => 0, 'quantity_end' => 0, 'quantity_step' => 1 ); $quantity_options_string = ps_product::get_field($product_id, 'quantity_options'); $fields = explode(',', $quantity_options_string ); if( !empty( $fields )&& sizeof($fields) > 1 ) { $quantity_options['quantity_box'] = $fields[0]; $quantity_options['display_type'] = $fields[0]; $quantity_options['quantity_start'] = $fields[1]; $quantity_options['quantity_end'] = $fields[2]; $quantity_options['quantity_step'] = $fields[3]; } return $quantity_options; } /** * Retrieves the maximum and minimum quantity for the product specified by $product_id * * @param int $product_id * @return array */ function product_order_levels($product_id) { $min_order=0; $max_order=0; $product_order_levels = ps_product::get_field( $product_id, 'product_order_levels'); $product_parent_id = ps_product::get_field( $product_id, 'product_parent_id'); if($product_order_levels != ',') { $order_levels = $product_order_levels; $levels = explode(",",$order_levels); $min_order = array_shift($levels); $max_order = array_shift($levels); } else if($product_parent_id > 0) { //check parent if product_parent_id != 0 $product_order_levels = ps_product::get_field( $product_parent_id, 'product_order_levels'); $product_parent_id = ps_product::get_field( $product_parent_id, 'product_parent_id'); if($product_order_levels != ",") { $order_levels = $product_order_levels; $levels = explode(",",$order_levels); $min_order = array_shift($levels); $max_order = array_shift($levels); } } return array($min_order,$max_order); } function featuredProducts($random, $products, $categories) { global $VM_LANG; require_once( CLASSPATH . 'ps_product_attribute.php'); $ps_product_attribute = new ps_product_attribute(); $db = new ps_DB; $tpl = new $GLOBALS['VM_THEMECLASS'](); $category_id = null; if($categories) { $category_id = vmRequest::getInt('category_id'); } if ( $category_id ) { $q = "SELECT DISTINCT product_sku,#__{vm}_product.product_id,product_name,product_s_desc,product_thumb_image, product_full_image, product_in_stock, product_url FROM #__{vm}_product, #__{vm}_product_category_xref, #__{vm}_category WHERE \n"; $q .= "(#__{vm}_product.product_parent_id='' OR #__{vm}_product.product_parent_id='0') \n"; $q .= "AND #__{vm}_product.product_id=#__{vm}_product_category_xref.product_id \n"; $q .= "AND #__{vm}_category.category_id=#__{vm}_product_category_xref.category_id \n"; $q .= "AND #__{vm}_category.category_id='$category_id' \n"; $q .= "AND #__{vm}_product.product_publish='Y' \n"; $q .= "AND #__{vm}_product.product_special='Y' \n"; if( CHECK_STOCK && PSHOP_SHOW_OUT_OF_STOCK_PRODUCTS != "1") { $q .= " AND product_in_stock > 0 \n"; } $q .= 'ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0, '.(int)$products; } else { $q = "SELECT DISTINCT product_sku,product_id,product_name,product_s_desc,product_thumb_image, product_full_image, product_in_stock, product_url FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE "; $q .= "(#__{vm}_product.product_parent_id='' OR #__{vm}_product.product_parent_id='0') AND vendor_id='".$_SESSION['ps_vendor_id']."' "; $q .= "AND #__{vm}_product.product_publish='Y' "; $q .= "AND #__{vm}_product.product_special='Y' "; if( CHECK_STOCK && PSHOP_SHOW_OUT_OF_STOCK_PRODUCTS != "1") { $q .= " AND product_in_stock > 0 "; } $q .= 'ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0, '.(int)$products; } $db->query($q); // Output using template if( $db->num_rows() > 0 ) { $i = 0; $featured_products = array(); while($db->next_record()) { $flypage = $this->get_flypage($db->f("product_id")); $featured_products[$i]['product_sku'] = $db->f("product_sku"); $featured_products[$i]['product_name'] = $db->f("product_name"); $price = ""; if (_SHOW_PRICES == '1') { // Show price, but without "including X% tax" $price = $this->show_price( $db->f("product_id"), false ); } $featured_products[$i]['product_price'] = $price; $featured_products[$i]['product_s_desc'] = $db->f("product_s_desc"); $featured_products[$i]['product_url'] = $db->f("product_url"); $featured_products[$i]['product_thumb'] = $db->f("product_thumb_image"); $featured_products[$i]['product_full_image'] = $db->f("product_full_image"); $featured_products[$i]['product_id'] = $db->f("product_id"); $featured_products[$i]['flypage'] = $flypage; $featured_products[$i]['form_addtocart'] = ""; if (USE_AS_CATALOGUE != '1' && $price != "" && !stristr( $price, $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_PRODUCT_CALL') ) && !$this->product_has_attributes( $db->f('product_id'), true ) && $tpl->get_cfg( 'showAddtocartButtonOnProductList' ) ) { $tpl->set( 'i', $i ); $tpl->set( 'product_id', $db->f('product_id') ); $tpl->set( 'ps_product_attribute', $ps_product_attribute ); $tpl->set( 'product_in_stock', $db->f('product_in_stock')); $featured_products[$i]['form_addtocart'] = $tpl->fetch( 'browse/includes/addtocart_form.tpl.php' ); $featured_products[$i]['has_addtocart'] = true; } $i++; } $tpl->set( 'featured_products', $featured_products ); return $tpl->fetch( 'common/featuredProducts.tpl.php'); } } function latestProducts($random, $products) { return ""; } function addRecentProduct($product_id,$category_id,$maxviewed) { global $recentproducts; //Check to see if we alread have recent if($_SESSION['recent']['idx'] !=0) { for($i=0;$i<$_SESSION['recent']['idx'];$i++){ //Check if it already exists and remove and reorder array if($_SESSION['recent'][$i]['product_id']==$product_id) { for($k=$i;$k<$_SESSION['recent']['idx']-1;$k++){ $_SESSION['recent'][$k]=$_SESSION['recent'][$k+1]; } array_pop($_SESSION['recent']); $_SESSION['recent']['idx']--; } } } // add product to recently viewed $_SESSION['recent'][$_SESSION['recent']['idx']]['product_id'] = $product_id; $_SESSION['recent'][$_SESSION['recent']['idx']]['category_id'] = $category_id; $_SESSION['recent']['idx']++; //Check to see if we have reached are limit and remove first item if($_SESSION['recent']['idx'] > $maxviewed+1) { for($k=0;$k<$_SESSION['recent']['idx']-1;$k++){ $_SESSION['recent'][$k]=$_SESSION['recent'][$k+1]; } array_pop($_SESSION['recent']); $_SESSION['recent']['idx']--; } } function recentProducts($product_id,$maxitems) { global $db, $VM_LANG, $sess; if( $maxitems == 0 ) return; $recentproducts = $_SESSION['recent']; //No recent products so return empty if($recentproducts['idx'] == 0) { //return ""; } $tpl = new $GLOBALS['VM_THEMECLASS'](); $db = new ps_DB; $dbp = new ps_DB; $k=0; $recent = array(); // Iterate through loop backwards (newest to oldest) for($i=$recentproducts['idx']-1;$i >= 0;$i--) { //Check if on current product and don't display if($recentproducts[$i]['product_id']== $product_id){ continue; } // If we have not reached max products add the next product if($k < $maxitems) { $prod_id = $recentproducts[$i]['product_id']; $category_id = $recentproducts[$i]['category_id']; $q = "SELECT product_name, category_name, c.category_flypage,product_s_desc,product_thumb_image "; $q .= "FROM #__{vm}_product as p,#__{vm}_category as c,#__{vm}_product_category_xref as cx "; $q .= "WHERE p.product_id = '$prod_id' "; $q .= "AND c.category_id = '$category_id' "; $q .= "AND p.product_id = cx.product_id "; $q .= "AND c.category_id=cx.category_id "; $q .= "AND p.product_publish='Y' "; $q .= "AND c.category_publish='Y' "; $q .= "LIMIT 0,1"; $db->query( $q ); if( !$db->next_record() ) { continue; } if(!$this->is_product($prod_id )) { $prod_id_p = $this->get_field($prod_id,"product_parent_id"); $q = "SELECT product_name,category_name, c.category_flypage,product_s_desc,product_thumb_image "; $q .= "FROM #__{vm}_product as p,#__{vm}_category as c,#__{vm}_product_category_xref as cx "; $q .= "WHERE p.product_id = '$prod_id_p' "; $q .= "AND c.category_id = '$category_id' "; $q .= "AND p.product_id = cx.product_id "; $q .= "AND c.category_id=cx.category_id LIMIT 0,1"; $dbp->query( $q ); } $recent[$k]['product_s_desc'] = $db->f("product_s_desc"); if($recent[$k]['product_s_desc']=="" && !empty($prod_id_p)) { $recent[$k]['product_s_desc'] = $dbp->f("product_s_desc"); } $flypage = $db->f("category_flypage"); if(empty($flypage) && !empty($prod_id_p)) $flypage = $dbp->sf("category_flypage"); if( empty( $flypage )) { $flypage = FLYPAGE; } $flypage = str_replace( 'shop.', '', $flypage); $flypage = stristr( $flypage, '.tpl') ? $flypage : $flypage . '.tpl'; $recent[$k]['product_url'] = $sess->url("page=shop.product_details&product_id=$prod_id&category_id=$category_id&flypage=$flypage"); $recent[$k]['category_url'] = $sess->url("page=shop.browse&category_id=$category_id"); $recent[$k]['product_name'] = $db->f("product_name"); if($recent[$k]['product_name']=="" && !empty($prod_id_p)) { $recent[$k]['product_name'] = $dbp->f("product_name"); } $recent[$k]['product_name'] = shopMakeHtmlSafe($recent[$k]['product_name']); $recent[$k]['category_name'] = $db->f("category_name"); if($recent[$k]['category_name']=="" && !empty($prod_id_p)) { $recent[$k]['category_name'] = $dbp->f("category_name"); } $recent[$k]['product_thumb_image'] = $db->f("product_thumb_image"); if($recent[$k]['product_thumb_image']=="" && !empty($prod_id_p)) { $recent[$k]['product_thumb_image'] = $dbp->f("product_thumb_image"); } $k++; } } if($k == 0) { return ""; } $tpl->set("recent_products",$recent); return $tpl->fetch( 'common/recent.tpl.php' ); } } // ENd of CLASS ps_product // Check if there is an extended class in the Themes and if it is allowed to use them // If the class is called outside Virtuemart, we have to make sure to load the settings // Thomas Kahl - Feb. 2009 if (!defined('VM_ALLOW_EXTENDED_CLASSES') && file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/../virtuemart.cfg.php')) { include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../virtuemart.cfg.php'); } // If settings are loaded, extended Classes are allowed and the class exisits... if (defined('VM_ALLOW_EXTENDED_CLASSES') && defined('VM_THEMEPATH') && VM_ALLOW_EXTENDED_CLASSES && file_exists(VM_THEMEPATH.'user_class/'.basename(__FILE__))) { // Load the theme-user_class as extended include_once(VM_THEMEPATH.'user_class/'.basename(__FILE__)); } else { // Otherwise we have to use the original classname to extend the core-class class ps_product extends vm_ps_product {} } ?>